Specialty Pharmacy is central to health system ambulatory care and patient engagement. Loopback is here to help.

Loopback Rx modules are designed with and by specialty pharmacists to support patient opportunity assessment, decision-making and ease reporting requirements by assembling the relevant data to make decisions.


growth in specialty medication fills per client


median PDC for specialty therapies


specialty pharmacy patients managed by clients on the platform


annual specialty medication revenue

Loopback Rx – Specialty Pharmacy Analytics

The Loopback Rx platform is comprised of interoperable modules (which can work independently or in combination) that provide actionable insights and tools to support health system pharmacies in their growth and patient care.

Therapy Specific Outcomes Coalition

The Therapy Specific Outcomes Coalition is comprised of 14 Integrated Delivery Networks, representing over 15M patient lives across hospital and community settings, including academic medical centers. Founding members select Therapy Areas of focus where specialty pharmacy plays a significant role in positive patient outcomes.

Therapy Areas

Multiple Sclerosis


  • Med adherence measures
  • Flare events
  • Relapse rate
  • Lymphocyte labs
  • Positive UTI labs
  • Anti-infection drug events
  • ED visits
  • Inpatient stays
  • Baseline Labs
  • Relative outcomes pre/post therapy adjustments


  • 35K patients
  • 100+ encounters (avg)
  • 5-10 years history



  • Med adherence measures
  • Flare events
  • Relapse rate
  • ESR Labs
  • CRP Labs
  • Steroid orders & usage
  • ED visits
  • Inpatient stays
  • # Joints impacted
  • Self-reported Pain
  • Global Scores
  • HAQ Scores
  • CDAI Scores
  • PROMIS Scores
  • Baseline pre-therapy
  • Switching scores pre/post therapy adjustments


  • 180K patients
  • 100+ encounters (avg)
  • 5-9 years history

Cystic Fibrosis


  • Med adherence measures
  • Exacerbation drug events
  • Exacerbation diagnoses
  • BMI levels and changes
  • FEV/FVC labs
  • ED visits
  • Inpatient admissions
  • Quarterly labs
  • Switching scores pre/post therapy adjustments

Chronic Lymphoblastic Leukemia

  • ED Visits
  • Inpatient admissions
  • Prevalence of adverse effects
  • Utilization of adjunctive therapies for side effect management
  • Prevalence of dose adjustments
  • Survival curves/Kaplan Meier
  • Presence of atrial fibrillation for patients on BTKi therapies

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